Cancer is an awful disease that afflicts several thousand of people every year. If diagnosed early and the right treatment commenced, cancer ceases to become fatal. There have been advancements in the cancer treatment due to the many extensive types of research, but still many people are being infected by this disease that comes in different forms and can spread from one part of the body to another. The good news is that there are some things that you can do to prevent yourself from getting cancer and ensuring that your health is at its best.
Stop Smoking
If you are a smoker, then your risk of getting cancer is substantially higher than that of non-smokers. Smoking cigarettes is the number one cause of lung cancer which is often fatal as it makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. Other types of cancers associated with cigarette smoking include oral and throat cancers.
There are several ways that have come up that can help you quit the smoking habit and embark a new, healthy and smoke-free lifestyle. OOne such healthy alternative is vaping which allows the smokers to adjust easily and feel like they are smoking without all the potential risks on their health. Vaping with CBD oil is also a more robust option as it has been shown to contain cannabinoids that prevent and fight cancer.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking more water is a simple lifestyle change that can assist you to fight cancer in future. It is wise that you swap your unhealthy drinks for pure water and you drink water from the faucet be sure to filter it first to reduce your exposure to carcinogens and other hormone-disturbing chemicals found in the tap water. Drinking water helps in reducing the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of any cancer-causing agents found in the urine and flashing it out of the systems faster.
Apply Sunscreen Creams
While the sun is essential for humans for the synthesis of vitamin D, it can be quite harmful and increase the risk of getting skin cancer. When you sit in the sun without a sunscreen on, your skin gets painful red sunburns and also increases your risk of skin cancer.
Increase your Calcium Intakes
According to some research, eating more calcium-rich foods in your diet can help in preventing several types of cancers, especially colon cancer. Studies have revealed that people who took calcium supplements regularly for four years had an almost 40% reduction in the development of cancerous polyps. Studies showed that people who took calcium supplements regularly for four years decreased their chances of developing cancerous polyps by 40% long after the study was completed.
Exercise Regularly
The benefits linked with exercising are many and include weight loss, improvement of muscle tone, decrease in the risk of various life-threatening conditions like stroke, heart disease, and cancer. Regular workouts help your body to burn the extra fat which if not dealt with, produces its estrogen and becomes a risk factor for cancer.