Case Study: My Experience With Vaping

How to Choose the Best E-Liquid for You

For those who haven’t switched to vaping, one of the biggest things they’re missing out on is the wide variety of e-liquid flavors available these days. Yes, it’s true that the vaporizer kit you are to purchase already will come with several free e-juices, but your options don’t end with what’s included in your e-cigarette.

However, you do have to understand that in choosing your favorite e-liquid, there is more to it than just the flavor. Once you know those factors, you’ll realize later on that each e-liquid is different and unique. Well, let’s proceed to discussing the ways and tips on how to buy the best e-liquid for your vaping pleasure.

1 – The first rule is to try the ejuice before you make a purchase.

You’d be lucky if the seller of an e-liquid allows you to try their product before you decide if you’re buying it; and of course, you don’t miss that chance! But then again, this option is obviously not available if you’re buying your e-liquid online.

2 – It’s always a good idea to stick to the flavors you love the most.

The thing with choosing an e-liquid is that the number of flavors and variants could very well overwhelm you. Therefore, to avoid wasting a lot of your time and money, it’s best to narrow down your search to certain flavors you think you’re going to like. But you obviously cannot like every single flavor out there.

3 – Always prefer renowned or good quality brands.

Because you’re basically a newbie in vaping, the safest way to make a successful transition is by choosing e-liquids made from renowned or recognizable brands. Bear in mind that not all e-liquids are equal, and the fact is some of them are made with low quality material and production standards. But if you stick to a known brand, there’s a better guarantee that you’re getting something that’s worthy of buying.

4 – Don’t forget about the nicotine content.

Lastly, put in some attention as well to the nicotine content of the e-liquid you plan on purchasing. Remember that if you just recently quit smoking and you’ve been planning to switch to vaping, it’s never a good idea to immediately lower your nicotine consumption from your ejuice. So as to not deprive your body of the nicotine it already is used to, the best way to make the transition to vaping is by choosing an e-liquid with very high concentration of nicotine, and later on, make an incremental or gradual decrease in the amount in your future e-liquid purchases.