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Ways to Prevent Dog Bites

Dogs are friendly and loyal creatures but there a lot of people that have been bitten by dogs and it is important that we should know how to avoid being in that situation as it may cause some complications for our health later on. There are millions of people that are bitten by dogs on a yearly basis but we should know that it can totally be avoided if people would know more on how to take care of themselves while they are in the presence of dogs. Dog bites could cause certain complication and most cases are children that have been bitten that is why it is important that parents should know what to do when their children have suffered from dog bites. Prevention is always better than a cure even in cases of dog bites that is why it is important that we should be able to know what to do. If your dog is still new in your care, make sure that you are able to get its trust first before becoming more comfortable with them so that you would be able to have them easily adjusted to their new life in your care. Be careful when having new dogs around your children as they would need to familiarize themselves first to know who they can trust.

It is normal for puppies to bite especially on their first year that is why you should avoid punishing them for doing so. Teach your children not to tease your dog or to hurt them because dogs would usually defend themselves if they are harmed or are in pain. Having to encounter a strange dog in the streets can be frightening and it is important that you should be able to stay calm and avoid running as it would provoke the dog to chase you. If you have been bitten by a dog of your neighbor or other people, you should know that you can get some compensation from them that is why you should get a personal injury lawyer so that you would be able to know what to do. Make sure that you should get the proper medication for rabies as it can be dangerous.