Doing Health The Right Way

Chemicals and Nutrients for Your Brain

People who suffer from anxiety disorder are normally prescribed drugs to counteract their anxiety. The problem with these drugs, however, it that they do not cure the real cause of the problem, only the symptoms. Anti-anxiety medication often provoke dislike from people who have used them for some time. This is mainly because of their side effects, and the notion that they don’t really cure the disease.

If you are on certain anti-anxiety medication, it is important to know that it isn’t the only option available. Here are some foods and drinks that can help you fight anxiety.

1) Chamomile tea is a good drink to have if you feel too stressed. You mind will feel relaxed and your thoughts will be soothed. If you find it hard to sleep at night, Chamomile can help you sleep. It has natural sedative properties that can bring your stressed mind and tense body to a relaxed state.

2) A natural substance found in turkey, called Tryptophan, makes you feel relaxed after eating. Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin which is related to the cure of many anxiety disorders. When consumed in meat form, it has been discovered that tryptophan helps reduce anxiety.

3) Improve your mental and psychological health by consuming avocado. Avocados help lower blood pressure because of its potassium content. It can help you prevent anxiety-induced heart attack by keeping your heart rate steady.

4) Consuming a variety of leafy green vegetables and hemp oil can contribute to optimal brain health. These kinds of food help reduce stress and anxiety. Leafy greens are a good source of magnesium, an element that plays a crucial role in balancing your brain-adrenal axis.

5) A natural way to keep you calm is by eating dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has more cocoa which contain substances known to relieve stress and induce calmness.

6) Turmeric aids in reducing the incidence of anxiety and stress. Turmeric aids in digestion, healing, reducing inflammation of joints, and maintaining a balanced blood sugar level.

7) Folic acid is a substance that helps in managing anxiety. Asparagus contains folic acid, a chemical responsible for improving the health of your brain’s neurotransmitters. A drop in folic acid impairs your neurotransmitters causing anxiety and stress.

8) Liver and other organ meats are a good source of vitamin B. Serotonin production is done by methylation which requires sufficient amount of vitamin B in the body.

9) Your brain needs zinc to stay healthy, and oysters contain a lot of zinc. Deficiency in zinc causes anxiety.

10) Improving the health of your stomach will help improve the condition of your brain to deal with anxiety and stress. Probiotics, such as kefir can help keep the balance of bacteria in your stomach.