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Great Steps to Make a Teen Stop Smoking

Smoking is an activity that is gaining popularity among many teens. According to statistics, in every four teens there is one who is a smoker. These statistics studied the high school senior students. In spite of the efforts by the parents, government and healthcare services a to reduce and eliminate teenage smoking, it is still gaining popularity. You might have found them red-handed or you may have caught that smell when they passed you after coming from school. Most parents claim it is an uphill task to make them quit. To help them quit smoking, this article has great insights.

The first step in approaching this situation is to ensure you remain calm once you find out that your teen is smoking. To prevent your first reaction being angry and furious which will prompt you to yell or even mention obscenities this first step is a prerequisite. A negative reaction will prevent you from getting them closer to you and helping them understand the various disadvantages so as to help them quit Nicotine is very addictive and this needs the parents to be very understanding when helping the teens.

Supporting them in quitting is recommended. Due to the fact that nicotine is a very addictive drug and it influences their young developing brain supporting them is a must. Supporting them enables them to speak out and this helps you know when they get their cravings and what you can do about it. To replace nicotine due to the adverse effects of withdrawal considering alternatives is important. Vaping and the use of e- cigarettes is a good choice as it has nicotine minus the harmful substances like tar in cigarettes. Parents who smoke mostly pass this behavior to the kids therefore quitting together is a good idea as it will enable support that will be key in quitting.

It is important that you educate them on the health risks associated with smoking. Respiratory problems are the effects on the short term and cancers, strokes and heart attacks are the effects on the long term. The underlying factor that led your teen to start smoking is crucial to be known. Even though Nicotine acts as a good relaxer when stress is the underlying factor its addiction causes more stress. It is a great step to seek therapy treatment as it is crucial. To be patient during the whole process is crucial. Understanding quitting is hard as important.

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