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The Use Of E-Juice In Reducing The Addiction To Conventional Cigarettes

For any parent or guardian one habit they would wish to see their teens not involved in, is the smoking habit. Unfortunately most of the parents discover that their kids are involved in smoking at a stage where they are already addicted since cigarettes contain nicotine which is a highly addictive stimulant. It is therefore unrealistic for one to expect the teens to stop smoking instantly, and thus there is need to seek other methods to help stop smoking. One reason why quitting smoking is tricky is that the cigarettes contain nicotine making them addictive thus to quit smoking one will need to seek a substitute source of nicotine to help them withdraw from smoking. By the use of the several nicotine replacements one can easily quit the smoking habit without suffering from the withdrawal symptoms.

One main reason why people should abstain from the tobacco cigarettes is that they expose the user to dreadful health effects that they are associated with and are the main causes of lung cancer and heart disease. Treatment of lung cancer disease as well as the heart disease is very expensive and not everybody will afford it thus the need to prevent it through quitting smoking. Due to the invention of e-cigarettes the smokers can satisfy their need for nicotine in the body by use of a healthier way as the e-juice cigars have fewer effects to human body in comparison to the regular cigarettes. The e-juice cigarettes are healthier for human use as they do not involve smoke, but at the same time they contain the same flavor of nicotine which is also present in the regular cigarettes. When one chooses to use the cigarettes made from e-juice they don’t have to separate from others as they do not emit smoke which would have made others passive smokers.

The e-juice cigarettes are made from extracts that are obtained from the tobacco plant and are preferred in making cigarettes due to their sheer effect. Several components are used to come up with the e-juice, but the basic ingredients are usually nicotine, vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol and flavors. There are other brands that will include vodka or small amounts of alcohol combined with flavors such as coffee and strawberry. When using the e-cigarettes one can easily control the amount of nicotine for intake.

If one also feels like they cannot completely give up on smoking the use of e-cigarettes provides a safer way as it does not have the same health effects as the conventional cigarette.