Six Convincing Reasons to Stopping Smoking
People who smoke probably know the damage it does to their health. Smoking has devastating effects on health and most people suffer in their adult life, and it also enhances your likelihood of developing chronic diseases such as lung and oral cancer, stroke or heart diseases. Research has shown that those who smoke have a high chance of getting chronic diseases such as lung and oral cancer, stroke and heart diseases in the long term.
Unfortunately, many smokers are not willing to quit the habit despite being aware of the health risks associated with smoking. Many people know that they should stop smoking because it jeopardizes their health but below are other reasons why you must stop this deadly habit.
Save money – Smoking is expensive. The government is trying to discourage smoking by imposing high taxes which translate to high prices of cigarette packets. Purchasing a pack of cigarette can leave you without any money to spend on something else. You will realize that you have lots of money to spend on important activities after quitting smoking.
Stop endangering others – When you are smoking, it also affects other people around you. People around you are likely to inhale the smoke which contains numerous toxic chemicals such as carcinogens. Vaping is a safe method of smoking because it does not have the harmful elements present in cigarettes.
Stabilize your senses – Most smokers have difficulties in recognizing smell and taste because smoking has damaged the senses. When you start smoking, it is your smelling senses that get damaged first and then, when can smell, you won’t have the right tastes. However, this is not a permanent situation because if you quit smoking, you can start nicotine replacement therapy to stabilize your senses.
Prevent accelerated aging – It is no surprise that you might mistake a young person to be an old person if he or she smokes. It hurts the skin causing wrinkles, skin dry out and leathery skin. Smoking fastens the aging process and makes young smokers appear as if they are way over their ages.
Stop getting coughs and colds – It is quite usual to have coughs and colds occasionally, but the frequency of having those increases if you smoke. Smoking weakens the body’s immune system, and this makes a smoker’s body highly susceptible to bacterial and viral infections which are responsible for colds and coughs. However, when you quit smoking your body will regain its immune strength within a short period.
Stamina to exercise – Smokers cannot endure long periods of exercises because they easily run short of breath. Smoking hampers the functionality of lungs and heart which are crucial in keeping the body energized in an exercising session. If you do not stop smoking, you will have difficulties in performing simple tasks such as climbing stair cases. However, there is hope that when you quit, your body functioning becomes normal once again.