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Is Using Eliquids Safer Than Cigarettes And Are They Effective In Substituting The Use Of Cigarettes.

The increase in the number of electronic cigarettes among the members of the general public has caused different debates among the experts where they seek to determine whether the habit is safe or can be considered hazardous. In the recent time people have shifted to the use nicotine-laden flavors where the experts have been out to determine whether they are also safe and effective in cutting the smoking habit. There are two groups with each having its own opinion whether the eliquids are safe where one group maintain that they are more hazardous than the cigarettes. The second group, however, argue that the eliquids are safe for human use as there are no effects that have so far been documented to have resulted from one using eliquids.

Between the two groups and their basis of argument there is truth concerning the e-liquid and the effects of using the liquid to the human body. There is no product that a human being uses can be termed to be 100 percent safe for use not even the purified clean drinking water as it can also cause death due to the fact that it causes hyponatremia disease. The main consideration, therefore, is the level of safety that any product that one intends to use and its probable harm when compared to the other similar products that one can use. Thus when determining whether the use of e-liquid we do not seek to prove that it is 100 percent safe but compare it with the cigarettes which they are replacing in the recent times. It is not abnormal for the eliquids to affect consumption since the body was only designed to inhale oxygen. The safety levels of using any product depends on the components used during the manufacture, but not many people are aware of the components of the e-liquid.

During the manufacture of the eliquids the primary component is usually nicotine which is usually highly addictive and at times dangerous when used in excess. The effects of using nicotine in human body include a headache, tingling sensations and blood circulation problems which are a result of vasoconstriction caused by nicotine. Nicotine is however useful in fighting depression and also improves concentration and medical doctors also recommend it to patients suffering from different disorders including ADHD. Glycol compounds are also used in making the eliquids where the two main compounds are propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin where they are used to create smoke illusion. Different e-liquid brands have different flavors added. Manufacturers may also add distilled water to the eliquids to make them wick while others add vodka or pure grain alcohol aiming at improving throat hit.