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What the FDD Can Do With Iran Supporting Terror

With the foreign policy in Iran, you can say that Iran supporting terror is still relevant with their goal of making sure that their relationships with militant and terrorist groups are kept well-maintained. The country has been shown to still be an avid sponsor and supporter among Middle Eastern organizations. Until this day, the country still has a lot of power in starting terror acts on an international scale outside of their region. With the destabilization and terrorism efforts of Iran, you can say that the U.S. have found all of them threatening with what interests they have in mind as well as with the allies that they have found in the Middle East. Civil wars have become worsened and have destabilized the region even further with what Iran is doing. The capacity of Iran to strike something in the U.S. is still apparent even if Iran does not look to target the U.S. more specifically. Deterring the U.S. and serving as contingency the moment the U.S. decides to attack Iran are the two things that Iran decides to do that is why they are only striking the outside war zones that comprise the U.S. assets.

Iran supporting terror and other international terrorist acts are the reason why the FDD or the Foundation for Defense of Deomcracies came into the picture. The FDD or the Foundation for Defense of Democracies was founded as an advocacy organization after the 9/11 attack. The goal of the FDD is to put their efforts on putting up a war on terror and using more pro-Israel policies in the Middle East and in Washington, respectively. As a democratic society, the FDD first intends to go to the global war happening around them using an ideological approach for the militant acts of the Islam. Now, you can see that the FDD is practicing a more wholesome approach starting with the promotion of pluralism, the fight for ideologies that are pro-terrorism, and the defense of democratic values. Right after 2001 when the EMET was born as an education initiative, the FDD became its successor to serve as support for the response of Israel to their Palestinian Intifada. This was also done to lessen the public outcry with the actions of the Israeli.

Today, the experts of the FDD with the support of their CEO Mark Dubowitz of FDD make sure to be on the front line of being advocates of the intervention of the U.S. military in the Middle East especially in Syria and Iran. Some of the moments of the FDD that are popular include advocating with Israel against Palestine, supporting the war in Iraq, and in setting policies for Iran with overturning their nuclear deal. You can discover more about the FDD and learn more about Mark Dubowitz here.