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The Custom of Tipping: How It Works In Different Countries

As we all know, United States of America is one of the most popular countries in the world to visit to and of course, it is not a surprise that most of the people visit their however, most of the time, it is surprising to the people who are visiting this country to witness how people give tips to the workers who serve them. Of course, when you are travelling into another country, even if not in the United States, you should make sure that you did some research about the tipping custom of that country to make sure that you will not offend other people in that country. Of course, it is inevitable that people would wonder why tips are important to these countries and why is it different in every country. The goal of this article is to make sure that people will get proper knowledge on the tipping customs of different countries.

United Kingdom has a certain rule to follow when it comes to tipping and that is the standard rule. Most of the time, if you are happy or satisfied with what the service crew showed you, then you will give him or her a tip. Usually, people who eat in the restaurant will give the tip directly to the one who served and accommodated them or will just leave them on the table where they ate. There are times where in the tip was already added to your bill especially if you are eating in a restaurant with more than five people and you could identify it in your bill as service charge. If the customer decides to still give the server a tip aside from the service charge they paid, then it will just be fine. A restaurant is not the only place where people give tips in United Kingdom but also any place where they receive help from someone.

Having an interesting tipping custom is what Italy known of. Most of the staffs and crews in the country of Italy are very patient when it comes to serving their customers however, it is also known that Italy is not very particular when it comes to giving tips to the people. Of course, it does not mean that they do not give tips at all, it is just that it is not their custom and they have the choice to give or not. There is a good reason behind this situation.