Stop Your Smoking Habit.
Many people do smoke. Peer influence is a reason why many people started smoking. Smoking is not good for our generall health. There are many diseases that are associated with cigarette smoking. Most of them being cardiovascular. Smoking of cigarette is directly linked with oral and lung cancers. The effects of cigarette smoking are social effects, how a person relates to other people especially nonsmokers.
It is a wise decision for anyone to quit smoking. Some of these advantages are described below. Losing money as a result of cigarette purchase will be a thing of the past. Buying of cigarettes on a daily basis cost smokers a lot of money with the government setting these prices high to discourage their use. Whiter healthy teeth is also another benefit that nonsmokers’ experience. Smokers are characterized by yellow teeth. In addition to the yellowing of the teeth, smokers emit bad breath and smell. Smokers are usually associated with the nasty smell brought by cigarette smoke. quitting cigarette will restore good breath and the general hygiene of a person.
Smoking causes the loss of taste and smell senses. Fumes of cigarettes present dangerous elements responsible for interference with smell and taste senses. The senses can be restored if someone quits smoking. also, smoking of cigarettes fastens aging by causing fine lines and wrinkles, and also leads to dry skin among smokers. Smoke fumes usually prevent enough oxygen from reaching the skin tissues hence causing the skin to appear older than it is. quitting the smoking habit will restore someone’s once healthy skin.
Another reason for one to quit smoking is the elevated increase of a smoker to get cold and cough infections. Viruses and bacteria have easy entry into the lungs due to paralyzed cilia along the respiratory tract. stopping to smoke is an effective remedy for this occurrence. Smokers experience difficulty when carrying out their work out exercises. The heart and lungs of smokers are usually overworked dealing with smoke, so it becomes even harder to support heavy exercises.
Homes with good clean atmosphere is necessary for all of us. Unemptied ash trays and ashes deposits around the house may give a house a stinky smell which is usually unpleasant to many people. Proper hygiene of the house makes dating easy. Smoking habits only make a person associate only with other smokers.
These adverse effects of smoking do not only affect smokers but non-smokers too. In the absence of the cigarette smoke, everyone will be safe. Using an electronic cigarette is also a way of minimizing the effects of cigarette smoke.Stopping the smoking habit is a first step towards curbing its negative effects. Stopping the habit of cigarette smoking is a very wise thing too.
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