10 Tips Ex-smokers Can Prevent Weight Gain
You’ve made up your mind to stop the bad smoking habit altogether but can seek the risk of gaining weight. There’s are chances of putting on some weight upon quitting smoking. Normally, a lot of ex-smokers replaces their bad smoking habit with food. Contrary to what you can imagine, it is simple to avoid gaining weight later stopping smoking completely using e juice Expounded a some of the ways to maintain your weight after you’ve stopped smoking.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Ensure that you have vegetables and fruits in your meals. It’s common knowledge that fruits and veggies provide the body with antioxidants that help in detoxification and boosting recovery from smoking cigarettes. Besides, be sure to avoid food containing too much salt and sugar. Consider olive oils and taking avocados to reduce appetite.
Take Proper Snacks
Most ex-smokers will replace their bad habits with snacking. Consider e juice to imitate smoking while eating good snacks such fruits, vegetables, granola, and candies without sugars.
Eat Small Meals Several Times a Day
Consider sub-diving into several times (5-6 times) a day rather than a large meals twice or thrice. That works wonders for those who normally crave smoking after a heavy meal.
Consume Your Breakfast
Skipping the breakfast means getting hungry later in the day prompting you to eat unhealthy foods. With a great breakfast, you’re sure to start the day with enough energy and enthusiasm.
Drinks lots of Water
Water helps to prevent weight gain once you have stopped smoking by keeping you full and lowering cravings for food and cigarette. For the cigarette cravings, using e juice will help you mimic smoking toward quitting. E juice can help to lower the need for smoking the real cigarettes by imitating the real act. Be sure to keep your body hydrated through consuming at least 2 liters of water a day
Chew Gum
Apart from using e juice to imitate smoking cigar, you can get chewing gum to grab the attention of your mind and mouth.
Be Active
Make arrangements for regular exercises like lifting weight, jogging and walking even for 20 minutes. Exercises are known to trigger the production of feel good hormones that lower the levels of anxiety, stress and irritability that encourage smoking.
Cut the Weight First
Start by cutting some pounds before you can stop smoking. Get more active and emphasize on a proper diet so you can manage to stop smoking.
Seek Support
A goal to stop smoking and have your weight in control is tricky and you might need help. You can ask a friend to keep you on your toes regarding your diet and even get a workout partner for motivation. What’s more, a health personnel can help you find a smoking-related support group or even find you a counselor.
Indulge at Times
It can be hard to change your lifestyle all at once. Occasionally, grab that pizza or chocolate. E juice can help you stop the smoking habit with time.
Quitting smoking doesn’t have to lead to additional weight. A check on your diet and lifestyle are all you need to get going.